Are you on top of your trade contracts with respect to BRRD and the 43 information fields required?
The required BRRD information must be drawn from a combination of transactional, reference and legal contract data.
While most banks will have the transactional and reference data in a digital format, many will not have the required contract data codified. Fewer still will be able to demonstrate how they could quickly supply the required data in a timely fashion.
The Lyncs platform can help you digitise your legal agreements for BRRD compliance. Our pre-defined data models cover the breath of European legal contracts, including: Master agreements (ISDA, EMA, DRV, FBF, CMOF), securities lending (GMSLA), repurchase agreements (GMRA), collateral (ISDA CSA, DRV, FBF, CMOF, NAFMI), cleared derivatives CDEA) with foreign language support.
Built-in reporting tools and Application Programming Interfaces mean you can quickly find contracts with ‘third-countries’ (non-European Economic Area, or EEA for short) and check whether the relevant bail-in provisions exist.